Institute for Development and Research Alternatives, the development partner of IDRA Research & Consulting, issued the preliminary findings on media monitoring project during the electoral campaign. The findings were presented in a Press Conference on June 20th in Tirana. This project has sought to evaluate the mass media,s performance in providing objective and balanced coverage of contestants and their platforms so the citizens of Albania can make well-informed choices at the ballot box for June 23rd General Elections.
The latest study on freedom of vote and family voting was introduced to the public from Hotel Tirana International on May 27th, 2014. The Freedom of Vote and Family Voting 2014 study, conducted by the Institute for Development Research and Alternatives (IDRA) with the technical and financial assistance of the UN Women, is based on a national survey of 2000 respondents, ofage18 + years old. The main objective of this study is to elicit citizens, opinion on different practices that might intervene with the freedom of voting, evaluate the occurrence of the Family Voting phenomenon, as well as understand and identify the current flaws behind such practices.